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B4work Global

Publish your jobs on B4work Global! Try the free version of the talent source that is revolutionizing selection processes.

👋 Welcome to B4work!

B4work is the job board that is revolutionising recruitment processes by offering a unique experience to candidates and employers. Today, B4work is among the top three sources of talent for hundreds of companies and in some cases, it is the source of talent that provides the highest volume of applicants and valid candidates.

How can you post on B4work? 🚀

B4work has a paid channel ‘B4work’ and a free channel ‘B4work Global’ both in the Teamtailor marketplace. In this case, you are in the B4work Global channel, the free channel. If you want to access the paid channel and enjoy all its functionalities, you can search 'B4work' in the marketplace search engine.

What does B4work Global allow you to do?

☝️ B4work Global allows you to publish all your job offers.

✌️ The offers published with B4work Global have only the basic information, so they will have less visibility for candidates on the B4work app and therefore, you will receive a lower volume of registrations.

🤟 These offers will not have open or killer questions and once published, they can't be published again.

Are you going to miss the opportunity? ✨

Activate B4work Global and enjoy the free version of one of the best talent sources in the market!