Partner Meet-up.

Thank you for helping us to create HR-Heroes 🩷

Speed Partner Swapping, Nearbound strategies & Good times together.

What's Happening

  • Wednesday 12th June
  • 17.00
  • Östgötagatan 16, 116 21 Stockholm

Better Together.

All our partnerships look a bit different, that is what is unique & F U N about what we do.

During the evening we will offer some insights into creating a Nearbound Strategy and why it will help you to keep growing.

We have invited our go-to partnership tool Reveal to offer us some insights. After hearing some interest in Partner Swapping, we thought we would finish up with a bit of a speed 'Partner' swapping session.

17.00 Welcome Partners 🚀

18.00 Session on Nearbound with special guest 🌟

19.00 Grab a drink - let's start Speed 'Partner' Swapping 🍻

20.00 Networking & Relax 🤝

Varmt välkomna 🩷

Matilda Regnèr & Rebecca Högefjord

Meet our speaker 🌟

Laura Rérolle

Senior Account Manager @Reveal

Laura has been working at Reveal for 2 years as an Account Manager at Reveal, supporting customers in scaling their partner program. Before that, Laura worked as a Head of Partner Success for 5 years in the SaaS environment, where she could improve her knowledge and skills in the partnerships landscape.

Register here 🚀