Our highlights from our latest releases 🚀

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Suzan Dil

Get closer to candidates with Stories

Stories is a brand new way for employees to show great experiences at their workplace. The team can share their day-to-day with the entire company, and admins can then choose to share them on their career site. We want to make it easy for teams to show real moments — and for candidates to get to know the company 🥳

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More flexible user access

We've added a new user role add-on for Content. This gives you more control over the platform, being able to give access to the career site content while keeping other areas restricted. So, whether you want to give your team members more granular access or manage what they can see, the Content role add-on has got you covered 😍

Get a closer look at your meetings

We want to help our users be able to keep tabs on how time is spent, and make better decisions based on that. The new Meeting Analytics page gives you an overview of your company's latest meetings, their average duration, and the number of participants.

New open surveys

The open survey option is designed to help you collect more specific data and gain deeper insights into the opinions and preferences of your candidate pool. When creating a survey, you can now choose to set it as "open", allowing you to view the candidates and their survey responses. Candidates will be made aware of whether their answers will be anonymous or open before answering the survey.

Use Teamtailor in 17 languages 🎉

Our users can now also use Teamtailor in Hungarian. Our list of possible languages to use Teamtailor in has a total of 17 languages; Danish, German, English, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish.

New integrations

Plus lots of updates to Meetings 🥳

Don't check availability for selected participants

Only book the number of required participants

Send a reminder before the meeting

Move candidate to another stage after picking time

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