Improved Statistics, Editable Headline and New Top Design

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Suzan Dil

We can’t keep our hands off of working on and improving our product. This week we have completed some things that we think you will enjoy!

Custom Dates in Statistics

We love statistics. That’s the best way to see what really works, and what doesn’t. So we’re very proud to present another feature in Statistics. You've always been able to choose if you want to see the statistics for today, 7 days or 30 days. Now you can choose Custom, and select your own time span! The sky is the limit for your statistics.

Edit the Headline

Go wild with your headline! The text that says: Welcome to our career site. Find out what it is like working at YourCompany, can now be edited into whatever you want. Under Settings —> Content, you can choose to write what you feel works best for your site.

Improved Design of the Top

The top of your career site is such a great place to make a good first impression. We want your visitors to love you at the first sight. So we made the top even fresher with a new look and design. We made the text clearer, made your picture pop even more, and enhanced the video.

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