Get the demographic analysis of your visitors and get the insights to take the right actions.
Suzan Dil
We're introducing Employee Dashboard. Get more employee referrals from your employees and make it easier to share your open jobs.
Suzan Dil
GIFs when communicating with a candidate? Yes! Make your brand stand out even more and make your candidate smile.
Suzan Dil
Source candidates without leaving the page you are on with Teamtailor Sourcing, an extension for Chrome.
Suzan Dil
New: Apply for a Job with Facebook
Suzan Dil
Recruit on Facebook with Your Own App
Suzan Dil
New Menu Design: Out with the Old, in with the New!
Suzan Dil
Improve Your Site with Our Career Site Editor
Joakim Nordlund
Introducing: A Workflow Tailored for You
Suzan Dil
Introducing: The Career Widget
Suzan Dil
Great News! Business Angels Invest 7.5M SEK in Teamtailor
Suzan Dil
Improved Statistics, Editable Headline and New Top Design
Suzan Dil
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