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Wow your new employees directly with a great onboarding experience. Learnifier can help you keep your candidates engaged and boost productivity from day one!

Learnifier is a learning platform used by hundreds of organizations around the world. In our tool you create & share knowledge and create modern onboarding and learning experiences. We can help you to keep your new employees’ energy high from signed contract to day 1 and take your great candidates to engaged and productive employees!

We are a Swedish company, founded back in 2012 and today we work with around 300 customers all over the world, mainly in the Nordic countries.

According to a recent Glassdoor survey, great onboarding can increase engagement with 88%. Other surveys also show similar numbers. A great onboarding experience is critical and with the right tool it is easy to create.

In the platform you can create pre- and onboarding programs that preserve that first impression of your organization - all the way from the first meeting to the end of the onboarding process and beyond. And the best part - it is easy to create and share your content with your employees!

Customers tell us that our tool is user-friendly and can be used by everyone regardless of experience from creating courses. This is also our core mission. We want it to be easy to create and share knowledge!

In our tool you can:

Easily create course content even if you have never used a tool like ours before.

You can create the content in our platform as well as include content created outside the platform such as YouTube Videos, audio files, SCORM files or documents. In the mix is the magic. With our image and video editors there is no need to bring in outside competence for every production. You can be a master creator in no time and outshine the best of the marketeers.

Smoothly blend in live elements.

In your largely digital onboarding you may want to include some face-to-face time, whether that is live or live online. Just add details of your classroom or virtual event activities as part of the courses.

Enable conversations with your learners.

When you have signed a contract with a new organization it can feel like ages until your first day. Keep your new talents engaged by enabling them to ask questions or share content.

Let your learners learn anywhere at any time and from any device.

With people learning more and more on their phones, our platform for example has a mobile-first solution. Your new talents can learn on the go when their motivation to take in knowledge is high.

Set boring on autopilot with our automations. Administrating learning can be a lot of work. We say it shouldn’t be!

Easily set up automations to keep your learners engaged and make them feel seen. Maybe you want to send a welcome email to everyone as soon as they have signed their contract, remind them to start the course or even boost them for their progress. Everyone likes a boost. You can send automated messages via mail and/or sms to people both within and outside the platform.

Integrate us with your other systems.

We are part of an ecosystem of tools. Our API is very developer friendly and does not bite. Let us know your needs and we will help you. Nothing is impossible.

Get real time analytics and data to give you an overview of how it’s going and insights on what to improve. It is a journey but we also need to calm the CFO.