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People In

People In is an online talent assessment platform, that preselects candidates based on softskills, through online personalized tests or usecases.

People In is a professional platform for preselecting candidates based on skill assessments, evaluating the future talents of companies. It allows for the evaluation of a key skill for the position and takes the form of a customized online practical case, replacing the traditional submission of a CV. The test is directly accessible from the job posting on the web.

The idea is to preselect relevant candidates (in terms of both skills and personality) without relying on CVs and preconceptions, in order to address the real challenges of recruitment. People In implements a customized online digital tool for each of its clients, allowing the testing of one to three key skills for a position. The test takes the form of an online practical case (quiz, video, audio, online game, etc.) created for the client companies.

Our innovation lies in our preselection tool (sourcing) that enables the use of our test through a URL link and allows for tracking applications on a platform in the first stage of recruitment. This tool prioritizes skills above all else, emphasizing potential and diversity of profiles.

Most of the companies offer tests at the end of the recruitment process. People In, a subscription-based SAAS platform, stands out by offering personalized assessments adapted to each company and by enhancing their image (graphic charter and test content). These assessments are proposed at the beginning of the recruitment process as an alternative to the CV. Several companies are positioned on the market of pre-selection by tests. Some of them propose to evaluate the personality of the candidates, others propose generic tests according to the position sought. But no one offers a personal assessment at the beginning of the recruitment process. The Innovation is social too. Because Market of Employment changed, Candidates changed… we need to offer an alternative to the sending of CV. 

The People In tool allows you to save time in your recruitment process but also to reduce your recruitment costs from two identical positions. The People In tool also allows you to offer a fun experience to candidates, to enhance your employer brand and to reduce by 2 your turnover thanks to motivated talents. All this in a record time of creation.