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SRS offers customized background checks, fully compliant with legal requirements and always delivered in a timely manner in our proprietary online portal built to meet highest security standards. SRS screening services enable a high-quality recruitment process combined with reduced financial, reputational and security related risks.

SRS background check is an effective tool to make informed recruitment decisions, ensure quality of the recruitment process and reduce financial, reputational and security related risks. We always deliver a confirmation that there are no identifiable risks associated with a candidate or actual knowledge of risks associated with the candidate and the opportunity to follow up identified risks before entering into an agreement.

SRS has many years of experience of customized background checks in the private and public sector. SRS guarantees efficient delivery with integrated quality assurance and predetermined delivery times.

Our background checks are customized according to your business needs, specific requests, and legal requirements.

With SRS you ensure compliance with GDPR:

    • Secure online platform for collection, storage, processing, and transfer of personal data
    • Data Processing Agreement
    • Routine for personal data incidents
    • GDPR training for staff

      About SRS Security

      SRS Security (SRS) is a leading provider of Security Risk Management (SRM) in Sweden. We focus on holistic and proactive solutions to prevent security risks and threats to people and organisations, locally and abroad. We offer advisory, training, and operational services within all areas of SRM. This includes security management, people security, physical security, and cyber security.

      SRS is certified according to ISO 18788:2015 and ISO 9001:2015. We meet all information security and privacy requirements under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Swedish Data Protection Authority, and we follow the ISO 27000 methodology.