The value of a career site with Tailify

Claudia Ceke, Head of People & Culture at Tailify, caught up with us about the freedom and creativity they have with their career site and how it has helped elevate their employer brand.

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Seb Waterfield

UK Marketing Manager at Teamtailor

Claudia has a wealth of experience within HR, with a particular passion for employee wellbeing. She is also responsible for overseeing the growth of the team at Tailify so we found out what candidates can expect through their career site.

"We've grown so much as a company, both in our vision and mission. On average I think we get at least 400% more direct applications to what we did before".

Tailify's career site -

How was the set-up of your career site?

The platform gives you so much creativity even if you're not the most creative person. I never thought I'd be able to set this up myself but being able to do that through Teamtailor made me very obsessed with making our career site as good as it can possibly be.

What impact have you seen since implementing your career site?

When we onboarded new starters to Tailify two years ago before Teamtailor, they would mention our website being a bit off-putting. They would say they love our vision and what Tailify do and what we stand for but we would receive questions around our website and how dull it looked. This meant they would question whether we were a serious place or not, which of course did not bode well.

When we then launched the career site, I would be asked "How can your career site look better than your website?" And I said, well that's all thanks to Teamtailor.

What part does your career site play in your candidate experience?

As human beings, I think we take a maximum of seven seconds to make a first impression on anything. That means as an employer, we have seven seconds to convince the candidate to like our career site. The career site is our first point of contact with a candidate which means it's crucial for them in deciding whether to apply or not.

We have seven seconds to 'wow' them and I'm sure with our old career site, we struggled to 'wow' them and therefore lost a lot of candidates at that stage. We've now seen a lot more traction and people applying with our much improved career site.

How many candidates have you had apply through your career site?

We've seen a lot more candidates apply to our career site in the past two years. We've also grown so much as a company, both in our vision and mission. Two years ago we were roughly 40 people and we're 105 today. On average I think we get at least 400% more direct applications to what we did before.

How does your career site influence your employer brand?

Our career site is incredibly important to our employer brand because it's the platform where we can show the candidates exactly who we are. We're doing that by being as open, transparent and genuine as we possibly can, meaning that on our career site we make sure to be very open with our values. We also share many demographics and stats. For example, of our 105 employees, we are roughly 40 different nationalities which says a lot about who we are.

We focus heavily on sharing testimonials from our employees because ultimately, we want people to go to our career site and really be able to decide if this is the place they want to work or not.

What is the future for employer branding and the use of career sites?

I think anyone working in HR or recruitment would probably agree that there is a lot more focus on the employee interviewing the employer these days, which I think is great because any interview process is supposed to be a two-way street. I'm not here to assess if the candidates are perfect of us only. I'm also here to be as open and transparent as possible so that they can assess if Tailify is the place to see themselves grow for a couple of years.

If you advertise or brand yourself as something you're not on your career site, candidates will understand this quite quickly in the interview process and you will probably end up wasting everyone's time. So in my honest assumption of the future, a career site will just be a portal where companies are very transparent about who they are, so that candidates can jump on and understand quickly if it's the right place for them or not.

What is your favourite Teamtailor feature?

Creating your career site feels like being a ten-year old and going through a magazine, finding something you like, putting glue on it and putting it on your mood board.

You have all of these options that you can choose from and you're thinking what you want to create. You can pick and mix from all these incredible features that are already put in place. It means it's so simple to create something professional and very nice looking. So I'd say my favourite Teamtailor feature is the fact that as a non-creative, I am able to express creativity and create something that actually looks fabulous. People then say: "Wow, that looks so good, did you make that?" And I respond with "Yes I did!"

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